Saturday, January 3, 2015

The United States and You: A New Americans Abroad Survey

This survey comes from  Dr. Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels of the University of Kent in Brussels and is meant for Americans and former Americans abroad. (Yes, she wants to hear from the renunciants as well.) 

Dr. von Koppenfels is the author of some of the best research that I have read about Americans abroad (American immigrants to other countries). I highly recommend her book:  Migrants or Expatriates? Americans in Europe.

I hope that many of you participate and please spread the word by passing along the link:  


  1. Hi Victoria,

    I have recently filled out the suvey, "The United States and You: A New Americans Abroad Survey".

    Do you have a date when you expect to be finished? Also, will you make it available online?

  2. Hi Anonymous, The survey is Amanda von Koppenfel's work and she will close the survey I believe in mid or late January. And she has said that she will share the results. I am really looking forward to it - she does really good work.


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