Monday, January 5, 2015

FATCA in France

Well, it's a done done deal, folks.

Ellen Lebelle just posted on Facebook a link to the FATCA  décret d'application in France.

Read it and weep...

Décret n° 2015-1 du 2 janvier 2015 portant publication de l'accord entre le Gouvernement de la République française et le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique en vue d'améliorer le respect des obligations fiscales à l'échelle internationale et de mettre en œuvre la loi relative au respect des obligations fiscales concernant les comptes étrangers (dite « loi FATCA ») (ensemble deux annexes), signé à Paris le 14 novembre 2013 (1)


  1. I must thank my friend in Germany, Michel, a French representative on the Conseil des Français à l'Etranger, for forwarding the link to me.

  2. Thanks so much. We all must make as much noise and fuss as possible about Fatca.

  3. I'm an American living in Germany and would appreciate any concrete investment alternatives anyone may know about. Thanks!

  4. Wait until the French realize that they won't get any reciprocity, ie, that Congress will not go out of its way to help French banks have the same type of information about French nationals in the USA, which is supposed to be part of the deal. Thanks Victoria for your cogent and down to earth writing, as always.

  5. @Wendy, That's a tough one. Maybe AARO could help?

    @anonymous, I'm thinking the same thing. I don't think that reciprocity is going to happen anytime soon. So what will other countries do when it isn't forthcoming?

  6. Forget evokiing reciprocity, gang. If the U.S. doesn't reciprocate, then the deal may fall through. Exactly what we all want. Besides, many U.S. persons living abroad may have a bit in a U.S. account (inherited or leftover from past jobs in the U.S., for example). Who wants any more grief than we already have ?


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