Thursday, November 6, 2014

New Digs for the Flophouse in Osaka

Before I show you  the new digs for the Flophouse, I want to clarify something in yesterday's post.

That shopping street I mentioned?  The one that is covered and had so many small lovely shops (not to mention a McDonald's AND a Burger King)? I learned last night that this is a very well known street called Shinsaibashi-suji. Who knew?

The two most important features we were looking for in apartment were proximity to spouse's place work and an environment conducive to creativity.  Or, to put it differently,  this is a space where I will be spending a lot of time writing and working alone and so I need a home that won't exacerbate the feelings of depression and isolation that often come with crossing cultures and  living in a completely new place.

After two days of looking at different buildings and apartments, we decided that this one would do.  It's on the 14th floor of a tower in the heart of Osaka so it has a lot of light and (be still my heart) a view of the city and the mountains around the city.  It's not big by American standards, it's perfectly OK by French standards, it's positively spacious by Japanese standards.  It's located in the Chuo Ward and it is within walking distance of the Osaka Castle.  There is a lively district just one block away with places to shop for food or just to have a cup of coffee and it's about 2 minutes away from a metro station.  Honestly, I don't think we could have done better.

Here are a few photos (yes, I am a terrible photographer but bear with me).  The apartment is unfurnished and we will need to purchase a refrigerator, an oven, and a washer/dryer.  I see a trip to Ikea in our future...

This is one of the two bedrooms.  The other is a little bit bigger.

This is the living room.  The balcony is L-shaped and there is a lot of light.  I'm thinking two chairs here for reading and a small round table for writing.

This is a "Japanese room" which is right off the living room.  Note the mats on the floor and the sliding doors.  Just lovely.

And here is the view on one side.  During the day you can see mountains (and for my stepfather who is interested in such things there is also a clear view of several transmitter sites).  At night the city is all lit up and very beautiful.


  1. dear Victoria,

    your new apartment in Osaka looks fabulous, and the view! - wow, they must be incredible at nighttime, too. I am so happy you found such a good fit and in such a lovely district. happy new home!!!

    much love,

    Karen xoxo

  2. Looks nice. Great view.

    Omedetou gozaimasu!

  3. sorry but looks a bit depressing and small especially those low ceilings.

  4. It's wonderful, light and views make everything more livable and spacious. RE:low ceiling, the world is not universally built for taller people. Can't wait to see it personalized flophouse style. All good, great job.

  5. What is a Japanese Room usually used for? What will you use it for? I predict reading, writing and thinking.

    No room for chickens in the garden! Balcony maybe?

  6. The apartment is great! I'm so glad for you. You are so lucky to have found one with so much light. The Japanese room is perhaps the dining room? The do eat siting on the floor. Or maybe it's the master bedroom?

    In a Japanese home you have to wear different slippers according to the rooms: one pair for the kitchen one for the bathroom and one for the rest of the house. At home and in the fine restaurants they are constantly putting their slippers on and off. If you visit, don't walk into the bathroom without changing. They will be in front of the door for guests to use too.

  7. The place looks pretty good. It is impressive that you have that issue nailed down so fast. I am sure you will turn it into a real home in short order.

  8. I really like the apartment. I am not sure what the Japanese room is for - can anyone here clarify? I think we'll put a futon in there and the DVD player.

    The one thing I don't like about it is the color of the floor - it's dark and we saw other units that had a much cheerier light brown floor. Alas, the odd-numbered floors in the building have dark wood and the even numbered ones have light wood and that's just the way it is. :-)

    And with that taken care of I spent yesterday and today sightseeing. I'll post some pictures of that - Osaka Castle by the way is INCREDIBLE.

  9. The washitsu (Japanese room) is sort of all-purpose. We use it as a living room: TV and bean-bag cushions, very comfy for sitting on the floor -- more comfortable than using chairs, I find. Also a good place to put a kotatsu (table with heater underneath -- look it up, you'll love it in winter). Some people use it as a room for entertaining guests, or as a guest bedroom. But really, it is just a comfortable, multi-purpose space. Kind of a sanctuary.


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