Wednesday, November 5, 2014

First Impressions of Osaka

Hit the ground running after I arrived on Monday.  The flight from Paris was about 13 hours and when I landed I was a complete jet-lagged mess.  It's got better quick, in part because it is sunny during the day and partly because I have an important task:  finding an apartment which keeps me out and about.

I narrowed it down to two apartments that I like and we'll be visiting them this afternoon and making a final choice.  After that I have nothing on my agenda until the end of the week and I plan to spend those few days seeing the city.

Just for fun, here are a few photos I snapped as I was walking around:

The Japanese are gifted gardeners.  This is a house/shop on a side street smack in the middle of the city and here someone has put out an elegant collection of potted plants.  Very nice.

This is the main street near my hotel called MidoSuji Avenue.  Lots and lots of trees (wasn't expecting that but it was a pleasure to see).

 A very cool shopping area.  It's a street that been covered and there are little shops on either side.  I went this morning to pick up some warmer clothes.  Osaka is sunny during the day and downright cold right now at night.


  1. Youkoso, Victoria!

    Or should I say, okaeri? :)

  2. Hi Nezuki-san,

    "Welcome" or "Welcome back"?

    Arigato goyzaimasu... :-)

    (and please PLEASE feel free to correct me or even better to teach me a few phrases to add to my toolkit)

  3. Victoria,
    Your relocations, which now include the Far East, remind me of this new expat bestseller (disclaimer: no financial interest on my part),

  4. "Welcome" or "Welcome back"?

    You got it.

    Arigato goyzaimasu... :-)

    (and please PLEASE feel free to correct me or even better to teach me a few phrases to add to my toolkit)

    Arigatou gozaimasu. (Not goy.)

    But since you're in Osaka now, you should say "ookini" instead.

  5. Lets see what you pick out for your new digs. Inquiring minds want to know.


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