Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Calm Before the Storm

Our KLM flight from Amsterdam had a bumpy touchdown at the Kansai International Airport Saturday morning.  The "soup" (low cloud cover) did not clear until we were almost on the runway.  As we exited the plane I took a deep breath and that musty humid smell that I associate with Asia hit my nose.  Then it was through immigration and past customs and out the main doors where our car was waiting for us.

It is hot and humid here in Osaka.  The temperatures are about the same as Versailles (around 30 degrees Celsius) but the humidity is much higher.  But what makes it  bearable in Osaka is the omnipresent air-co and the breeze we get up on the 14th floor of our apartment building.  Up and wide awake at 4 AM, I drank my coffee sitting out on the balcony and watched the sun rise over the city.

By Monday the clouds began to clear and as I write this I see blue skies outside my window.  But the clear weather is not fated to last long.  Typhoon Nangka is headed our way blowing up from the south.  Osaka is just one of the many cities in its path.  Accuweather predicts that it will make landfall in Japan sometime Thursday night.

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