Friday, April 3, 2015

Himeji Castle

Blossoms grasp tightly
Their lifeline
Birds shoot by, black dashes
Solitary petals float to the ground
Holding on is illusory

Karen Ueda 

Today two friends - one of whom is the author of the poem above - and I went to see Himeji Castle.

Unfortunately, there was a one and a half hour wait just to buy tickets.  At the very back of the line was a man with a bullhorn issuing directives to the crowds converging on the castle grounds.  All along the queue, park staff stood with  signs saying how long the wait was.  Signs that dashed the hopes of those who had stood quietly in the rain, optimistic that maybe the line would start to move quickly.  It didn't.

So we decided to come back another day.  We walked a bit in the park and I took some pictures of the cherry trees.  The weather was terrible but the trees and the gardens were lovely.  And, of course, the company was grand.

Here are a few pictures.  The one at the end is for those of you who expressed an interest in my new haircut.  I love the picture and I think it's a good replacement for the old one up on the blog profile.  

Yes, that's me (and my bad habits).


  1. I had lung cancer and it really sucks.

  2. Love the do!

    Pit out the smoke. Remember the goal. Smoking hot.....!

    Are you really going to put a photo of you with a ciggie in the blog?!?

    The cherry trees look spectacular.

  3. You look terrific, Victoria, and your new hairdo is perfect. Never mind the "bad habits" -- we've all got 'em. Have a wonder-filled, cherry-blossomed Easter!

  4. That should have been Put down not Pit down.

    @Embee I will continue to harass Victoria about her smoking because I care deeply about her and I know she has survived cancer once. I don't want to lose her.

    As James said, cancer sucks.

    Plus, Victoria has a very personal goal that she can only achieve if she stops smoking.

    @Victoria. The new do makes you look younger than the old one--even with the cig.

  5. I have no idea how my above comment posted as Anonymous. The one above is from Blaze (aka Lynne)

  6. @ Blaze
    None of us want to lose Victoria.

  7. No one noticed the green fingernails?

    I am very tempted to put the photo of me with the American Spirit cigarette up on the blog.

    Yes, I need to quit smoking. It's something I've struggled with for many years now. And I know so many people who are fighting that fight as well.

    But I do smoke. And I guess I feel that the photo is honest. This is me warts and all, bad habits and all.

    See what I mean?

  8. I thought the nails were black--very gothic.


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