Saturday, February 14, 2015

Free US Tax Webinar

Always happy to post about free resources for US Persons abroad (US citizen and Green Card holders) who need help navigating the US tax system.



Well, yes.  Because the US tax system as it is applied to US Persons who live outside the US is a tricky beast.  Took me years to lose the pride and admit that the little knowledge I had was simply not good enough, and that asking for help didn't mean I was an idiot.

But cost was always an issue for me and from what I hear from Flophouse readers, I wager that cost is likely to be an issue for you, too.

So I'm pleased to pass along this resource from Greenback.  They are holding two free tax webinars next week at times that are hopefully convenient for you.  And they say they will answer questions - how cool is that?

I signed up for the one on Tuesday at 10 PM Japan time. (The registration page has a nifty feature where it shows the meeting times in your timezone).   Here's the info and I hope it helps.

The Top Five Things You Need to Know about US Taxes.

Monday, February 16th at 8:00pm EST / February 17th 9am HKT (Hong Kong Time)
Tuesday February 17th at 8:00am EST / 9pm HKT (Hong Kong Time)

Join our friends at Greenback as they give you an in-depth look at the US expat tax topics that impact you most! They will provide the facts that can help save you hundreds (if not thousands!) on your US expat taxes.

In this informative, in-depth discussion Greenback will outline what you need to know about:

The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
The Foreign Tax Credit
Filing late US taxes

Greenback Co-President David McKeegan and their expert accountants will make sure you are armed with the most accurate information when filing your US taxes. Make sure you bring your questions—this webinar is interactive for a reason!
To register, simply click here!


  1. Victoria,

    My understanding is their have been some recent changes in France on the FATCA front. I am curious as to whether you have heard anything.

    More below:

    M. Emmanuel Macron, ministre. L’amendement déposé par le Gouvernement traite des préoccupations plus larges évoquées en commission spéciale par MM. les députés Giraud et Alauzet et qui font l’objet de l’amendement no 55 de M. le député Lefebvre, dont je considère d’ailleurs qu’il est satisfait par le présent amendement. Cet amendement no 55 propose de modifier le droit applicable en matière de droit au compte. Le problème que vous soulignez touche un grand nombre de nos compatriotes établis à l’étranger, monsieur Lefebvre. Il s’agit d’un vrai problème. C’est pourquoi le Gouvernement a souhaité y apporter une réponse. Par delà les conséquences du Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act – FATCA –, la question de l’effectivité du droit au compte codifiée à l’article L. 312-1 du code monétaire et financier se pose bel et bien.

    Votre amendement rappelle que toute personne physique a droit à un compte de dépôt et envisage une procédure selon laquelle la Banque de France pourrait contraindre, en cas de fermeture de compte, un établissement bancaire à ouvrir un compte de dépôt. Il soulève la question de la sanction du refus par un établissement bancaire d’ouvrir un compte dans le cadre de cette procédure et propose de la rendre automatique, ce qui présente des difficultés importantes, en particulier un risque d’inconstitutionnalité.

  2. @Time, Now that I am in Japan I don't really have much news of France. I rely on Ellen to keep me up to date. :-)


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