Sunday, October 19, 2014


Off again to Canada to visit my daughter.  I'll be on an Air France flight early afternoon and staying
most of next week.

Montréal is one of my favorite cities and I'm looking forward to revisiting the planetarium and many other places that we've come to know and love.  The younger Frenchling has promised a thorough tour of the Université de Montréal campus.  Temperatures are a bit above freezing and the forecast says no snow next week (thank goodness).

If I have time I will post a few pictures.


  1. Bienvenue au Canada!

    So sorry I can't pop over to Montreal to see you. I hope we will somehow connect in person on one of your visits.

    Are you going to try poutine this time?

  2. Have a great time. Hope it is a memorable trip. I think most would say that you are always welcome in Canada.

  3. Have a wonderful time with your daughter !

  4. Was there last month and I do love the city, too.

  5. So far it's a great trip. I got a full tour of the UdeM campus and then we went to the St. Joseph basilica. I'm not a huge fan of modern churches but this one is amazing. The votive chapel - wonderful.

    Today I'm off to visit a friend at McGill and then we headed for the biodome

  6. Victoria,

    I found out Democrat Senator Charles Rangel and Max Baucu created FATCA.

    Chales Rengal was caught for not paying taxes for his own rental at Dominican Republice in 2008. I think he was mad so he created FATCA to FXXXK the rest of us.


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