Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bopping at Reid Hall

Anyone remember Crocodile Rock?  Elton John?  All that "hopping and bopping"?

When I heard that James Bopp Jr and Senator Mike Lee were coming to Europe, I swear that "bopping" was the first word that came to my mind.  Go look it up on-line -  the term has a long and venerable history.  Really. And something tells me that James Bopp Jr has probably been hearing jokes about his name all his life.  But hell, folks, it could have been worse:  Citizens United, anyone?

No offense whatsoever to that distinguished gentleman who has taken on (much to our relief and joy) the sisyphean task of fighting FATCA in the US. Qui aime bien châtie bien.

On Monday, October 6, he will be in Paris with Senator Mike Lee for an information session at Reid Hall.  The event is being sponsored by Republican Overseas and the Association of Americans Resident Overseas.  I think we all be fools to miss it.  I have my ticket and if you want to attend too, best to order yours today.  I hear that it is almost sold out.  I hope to see you there bright and early Monday morning.

For a quick preview of their case to repeal FATCA, Republicans Overseas Hong Kong has released this short video.  It's quite good (and distressingly accurate).


  1. We know whom to vote to kick out Fatca.
    We also should use crowd sourcing to fund legal cases on Fatca.

  2. Well, I'd be there if I could and would be dropping by the flophouse for a cuppa Joe too :-)
    IF you get a chance and can remember, please ask either of these gentlemen if they'd consider taking this tour to Canada, after all the 2nd highest concentration of US voters outside the US are here!

  3. Hi Victoria,
    Unfortunately, I cannot read the attachment. I would have liked to attend, but I will not be in Paris on that date.
    Do keep us informed. Thanks

  4. Can't wait to read your summary of the event!


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