Friday, June 13, 2014

A Truly Great Garage Sale

 It's that time of year again - the annual Porchefontaine vide-grenier (garage sale).

I went last year and it was fabulous.  They close off the streets just past the Porchefontaine train station (RER C line ) and by mid-morning it's packed with stands and folks out there looking for goodies.

It's organized by a neighborhood association, CLAP (Comité de Loisirs et d'Animation de Porchefontaine).  Porchefontaine in Versailles is  like a village within the larger city with its own newspaper (l'Écho des Nouettes) and lots of civic-minded individuals who really care about their quartier.  In addition to the annual garage sale they also organize: a Saint Valentine's celebration, a children's carnival, a plant swap, a toy fair, neighborhood cocktail parties and much more.

What made it fun for me last year?  Walking along the streets and meeting people I knew from church or local businesses I frequent.  Also meeting folks I didn't know in a very relaxed and convivial atmosphere.  It's a "come as you are" sort of thing - wear jeans/shorts, t-shirts and tennis shoes and you'll fit right in.

I will be out there at 8:00 sharp Sunday morning.  To see what last year's finds looked like, here's the 2013 post.

Bon weekend!


  1. I remember your post from last year. What goodies did you pick up yesterday?

  2. @Blaze, I got some GREAT stuff. Mostly things for the garden. I got a weed whacker cheap and lots of pots - ceramic and copper/brass - and some really cute little metal tables for the porch.

    What is funny is that my spouse went with me and I made him very uncomfortable as I bargained. There was one woman with two OK ceramic pots and she wanted 3 euros apiece which I thought was too much. So I offered her 2 which she declined. Then I counteroffered - 7 Euros for the two ceramic pots and a wicker one and she said, "OK parce que c'est vous.) (OK because it's you - which is a joke by the way since we didn't know each other at all).

    My spouse harangued me all the way home about stiffing a poor old lady for her garden pots. :-)

  3. Shame on you Victoria for taking advantage of a poor old lady!


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