Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mock Orange, Raspberries and Roses

Outstanding weather here in Versailles today.  Too pretty to stay inside so I gardened and my spouse painted the front porch.  Here are a few picture of the works in progress.

Have a great weekend, everyone.


  1. Gorgeous.

    "In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”
    ― Margaret Atwood, Bluebeard's Egg

    We are having a long weekend in Canada in your honour Victoria. Monday is Victoria Day here.

    It is still spring, but most Canadians consider Victoria Day weekend the real beginning of summer. People plant their gardens (always a risk of frost if you do it before now), open their cottages, head to the beach, walk in the park, have neighbourhood barbeques and reconnect with the world.

    What a glorious way for Canadians to celebrate our cyber friend in France.

    Happy Victoria Day!

  2. I love your fountain. What a beautiful garden.

  3. Beautiful, love the new paint, looks great. Appears to be missing the forsythia, I hate this plant, large, and only interesting for about a week, maybe two in the early spring. Not a great choice for the city yard. Did you remove the screen covering the front fence? what ever you did makes it look even better; gives the plants more light and your lucky neighbors a chance to see your plants. All good. Your delighted mother.

  4. Nice garden. I was lead here by FATCA matter. I wonder why TV and radio Talk shows in USA don't talk much about FATCA.


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