Friday, January 10, 2014

Maps, Maps, Maps

This one just came up on my Facebook feed.  This post is from A Sheep No More offers 40 maps to help you (and me) make sense of the world.

My favorite?  The flashy Map 10:  Global Internet Usage Based on Time of Day.

If you have time this weekend to read after you've caught up on your sleep I recommend Simon Garfield's On the Map:  A Mind-Expanding Exploration of the Way the World Looks.  This was a quick but fun read.

For something equally enjoyable but a bit more challenging, try Kaplan's The Revenge of Geography.

Have a great weekend, everyone.


  1. How about a world map showing countries with citizenship-based taxation?

  2. Well that was enjoyable! Maps are just fascinating.

  3. Would you believe, I saw this book in the local library here in Australia - my husband loves maps and I checked it out for him. He is poring over it this weekend as I write this :-)

  4. @Betty, but it would be so boring with only two countries! :-)

    @Catherine, I agree! Makes a lot of things so much clearer.

    @Marie, Which one? Kaplan or Garfield. Both are good...


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