Sunday, December 8, 2013

Second Sunday of Advent

Yesterday was busy busy here at the Flophouse.  First thing in the morning after coffee was a trip to the wood guy in Viroflay for another half stere of big logs. The second was a trip to the big market in the center of town to pick up a Christmas tree.

Unfortunately all the other Versaillais had exactly the same idea and it was impossible to find a place to park.  So we trusted the universe and turned a No Parking spot into a Temporary Parking for Christmas Tree Pick Up zone.  The season was with us and we didn't get a ticket.

Picking out a tree turned out to be very simple.  My spouse looked at the first one the tree vendor showed us and said, "How about this one?"  I thought for a moment and replied, "I'd like one a little taller..."  The vendor (an agreeable sort) led me down the row to look at ones he thought I might like and I was happily chatting with him when I looked behind me and there was my spouse still holding on to the first tree looking wistful.  Was it because he really liked that tree or because he wanted to get the hell out of there?  Who knows.  I turned around, gave the vendor a wry smile and said, "Monsieur a choisi." (Sir has chosen).  He looked at my spouse, looked back at me and just cracked up.  He was still laughing when he handed us our ticket and told us to pay at the counter.  (I realize the dialogue here sounds like something from a BDSM novel but what can I say, sometimes life really does imitate art.)

Why did I give in so easily?  Well, it occurred to me that in our house green growing things are my domain and since I have a very fine set of sharp and expensive pruning tools, any tree we bought could be transformed into the tree I wanted with a few snips.

Back home for yet more coffee and the mail which yielded the first of the Christmas cards.  They were from Canada and that reminded me that I need to get mine out soon.  If there are any Flophouse readers out there who might be interested in exchanging cards this year, just send me an email ( and I will add you to my list.

The rest of the day was spent processing the last of the pumpkin from the garden, making pies, making a cake (I had four leftover eggs whites in the fridge and I'm way too cheap to just throw them out), and watching the Mad Max movies (I still think Road Warrior is one of the best films I've ever seen).  Late in the day we got in the car again and headed out to Parly II (the nearest mall) to get lights for the outside of the house.  Mission accomplished but it was so crowded and so overwhelming that I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack.  Never again.  I'll order on-line instead.

Today promises to be almost as busy as yesterday.  At the Mass this morning I am on as a greeter (welcome people as they arrive and pass out the parish newsletter and the song sheets).  Then we are off to Paris to take my mother-in-law to lunch for her birthday.  For those of you not in the know, it is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  The churches in Lyon have organized an event around this feast  and they are asking us to put candles in Mary's honor in our windows tonight around 6 PM.  There is also a lovely tool on their website where you can light a virtual candle.  It's called Allumez votre bougie and when you enter your address, a light will appear on the map at your location.  There is one from Seattle and another from Sacramento up so far which represent my family back in the US and, of course, one from me here in Porchefontaine.

I'll end this post with a few pictures of our Christmas decorations.  Bon dimanche!

Clear white lights outlining our living room window

Lights on the front porch

Xmas tree discreetly pruned to fit a very small space

The creche illuminated with lights draped around the vase I bought in Tokyo.
And thank you, Lynne, for the cards!

My grandmother's Angel Chimes


  1. Very charming! The tree looks lovely - so you and your husband were a good team. Merry Christmas :)

  2. A very Merry Christmas to you too, Catherine!

  3. I think your husband chose that tree because he could see it needed a loving and nurturing home. He knew you would provide that.

    Thanks again for sharing you home with us.

  4. There is now a candle lit in Lyons from London Ontario Canada. (At least I think there is if I followed the directions based on my limited memory of my high school French!)


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