Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Funny about FATCA

Passed along by the usual suspects, this is very good satire.  

Yes, homelanders this is exactly what this law looks like to the rest of the world.  I was explaining the law the other day to some friends here and one of them looked at me in disbelief and said, "Wait a minute, Obama did this?"  Yeah, 'fraid so, I said.

There is also an ebook out called FATCA and the New Birth of American Empire by Robert Morris which I will download today and I promise to review here soon.


  1. This video is hilarious and disturbing at the same time. I especially like the young ladies acting. This video would be particularly popular among young people, I believe. Maybe our own kids can direct us to where to post it where it can get the most exposure- or post it themselves.

  2. I get the exact same reaction about Obama and FATCA.

    All my Canadian friends insist FATCA must have been a Bush invention.

    Nope, I tell them. Obama announced it in 2009. They refuse to believe me at first and then start making all kinds of excuses for Obama.

    I love the video. Explains FATCA clearly and honestly in four minutes what it took US Treasury 544 pages plus amendments to explain. Problem is, no one can understand their information.

  3. The video should have used the term "US Persons" to show that more than just US citizens are impacted. That's the main reason most people don't care in foreign countries. They think that it doesn't apply to them and that the US can do whatever it wants to its citizen abroad. The main message that it is to curb tax evasion is powerful and accepted by many.
    I am still shocked and disgusted that France signed...

  4. I don't suppose there's any point in sending this vid. to the ACA? They'd never link it. Or....

  5. @Victoria! The IRS has chimed in on the Brock post of the same video:


  6. Oh my goodness that video posted in response is just DREADFUL.

    Good Lord, when you are selling something, guys, you have to make it sexy and slick (and clear). Marketing 101. They should take a class from my old professor, Marco Protano

  7. I am in Victoria your name placebut I cannot post to your latest blog. I trip out on Tales from topographic oceans. (Yes). No pot or prostitutes.


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