Friday, January 25, 2013

Flophouse Milestone

We have to stop meeting like this, dear readers.

Some time between Christmas and the first of the year the Flophouse reached 100,000 all time pageviews. The Flophouse has been around for about two years and I just checked and I've written well over 500 posts.  That set me back on my heels - I can't help but think that all those words might have added up to a book or two if I wasn't so lazy and disorganized.

100,000 pageviews is both reassuring and kind of scary.  It is nice to know that it's not just my mother reading.  It's a bit scary because I'm not quite sure how it happened.

There was never any grand design behind the Flophouse and there still isn't.  I literally ask the universe ever morning what I should write about and then I sit down and do it.  That's about it.  Apparently right now the universe wants me to talk a lot about FATCA/citizenship-based taxation.  Or maybe the universe just has a really twisted sense of humor.

I have readers.  What a concept and I still have some trouble wrapping my head around the idea.  I know some of you through your comments and others through your emails.  I wish I knew more of you better.  Regardless of how you came here and whether or not we've been formally introduced, I'd like to thank you all for coming here and reading.  I am so grateful that, given all the things that I'm sure you have to do every day, you choose to spend a few moments reading my musings.  I hope that whatever you are finding here keeps you coming back.  I give you my word that I will always do my best to make it worth your time.

Pax vobiscum.



  1. Hi Victoria,
    We're here because you make it worthwhile dropping by. You are a very talented writer and I only wish I'd found your blog sooner. Turned out this was a bonus I got from becoming involved (on a minor level) with Brock. I seem to recall you and Arrow were thinking about collaborating towards a submission to the NYT or something. Is that still on? I think it was going to be based on a great piece you wrote about trust. I don't know, maybe I dreamed it. I read so much stuff everyday. Anyway, congratulations on the Flophouse milestone but I think your best milestone is getting through therapy and regaining your vim and vigour. Always the best to you. -- Em

  2. Em says it very well. Keep up the good work.

  3. Big news on the citizenship tax front. Tina Turner is becoming a Swiss citizen and reliquishing her US citizenship. Nicholas Sarkozy and Carli Bruni are rumored to be the next tax exiles on there way out of France.

  4. it is well deserved for a blog with such high quality posts, and quite frankly you would deserve 10 times that readership.

  5. Congratulations Victoria on your 100k milestone. Each day I look forward to discovering your "menu du jour" and am never disappointed. The Flophouse is entertaining and informative. You are a very talented lady. Best wishes to you for 2013. A year where you put health issues to bed and begin a new life. I can't wait to find out where that will take you.

  6. Congrats! A nice milestone, and I like the eclectic mix in your blog.

  7. Thank you all very much for your kind words and your encouragement. We'll see how things shake out this coming year. I think that the only thing that we know for sure is that 2013 won't be a repeat of 2012. :-)

    Tina Turner? Did someone say that Tina Turner is becoming Swiss? Oh my I need to check that out....

  8. I feel lucky to have found your blog. I love your posts.


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