Saturday, July 14, 2012

Meet My Escargots

Seattle and Versailles have another thing in common:  snails and slugs.  All this inclement weather has made the little bastards darlings fat and happy.  I no longer recall what the Seattle ones look like but as I was venturing out on the patio this morning I found the Versailles versions happily munching away on one of my potted plants.  One had a lovely Dijon mustard yellow shell while the other looked a lot like something I've eaten during a Christmas Réveillon.  

As much as I admire their perseverance (and the long trek they made from garden to patio to plant) this simply will not do.  OK, guys (or gals) you have 24 hours to vacate the premises or else.


  1. “One had a lovely Dijon mustard yellow shell while the other looked a lot like something I've eaten during a Christmas Réveillon”

    Exactly Victoria... you could have treated yourself! What a pity! :-)

  2. Yes, I really missed my chance. :-)

    I actually asked my brother-in-law the doctor if we *could" eat them and the answer as a strong "Non!"

    Too many parasites.



  3. Cooking at temperature kills parasites...

  4. I'm sure you wouldn't deny the bleak news reported here, Victoria, and in particular the paragraph that states:

    "There have been some wildlife winners from the wettest April to June on record and the second dullest June ever recorded, but they are hardly Britain's most loved species, with slugs and snails thriving in gardens."

    'Apocalyptic' summer for wildlife – except slugs, says National Trust (The Guardian)

  5. That sounds exactly right, JM. Slug/snail bait is going out today now that has dried up a bit. The chemical companies must be making a small fortune this year.


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