Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Muguet de mai

Right on schedule the Flophouse garden delivered.  To your left is our muguet (Convallaria majalis) which is known to you anglophones as Lily of the Valley.  It is tradition here in France to offer a bouquet of these lovely flowers on the first of May.  According to this site, the tradition goes back to 1561 when the king at the time offered these flowers to all the the ladies of his court.  May 1st is a holiday here in France (and in other countries as well) and most people have the day off to celebrate this "fête du travail".  Le Monde has this article on-line which will give you some idea of the nature of, and the events planned for, this day here in Paris.
Enjoy the day off, everyone!


  1. What a beautiful bouquet your garden brings this holiday! I was reading the International Herald Tribune yesterday and was amazed how many countries are taking a holiday today. This morning is quiet in Lisbon, land of the pastel houses and art on the walls. We are thinking of you today and tomorrow!
    Shirl and Rowan
    of http://www.untethered.us

  2. Hi Shirl. Hi Rowan. So good to hear from you! I hope you are having a wonderful stay in Lisbon (one of my favorite cities). I think you'll love Marseilles too. :-)

    Take good care and all my best wishes,


  3. How lucky you are, Victoria! Or maybe it's down to pure talent and a very green thumb with which you tend to your "wild" garden. I'm hopeless with the lily of the valley, it's quite popular here in Germany as well, under the pretty name of Maiglöckchen or "little May bells". However, this year again, my little May bells were a huge fiasco on my balcony. Thanks for explaining the origin of this beautiful tradition! Enjoy your day!

  4. Hi JM, I hope your first of May was wonderful. Did you get the day off? It's now May 7th and since it's been raining all last week, my garden resembles a jungle. :-) More stuff came up and other stuff is blooming. Will post pictures as soon as the weather clears...

    All the best,



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