Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flophouse Garden After May Showers

A quiet Sunday here at the Flophouse.  We'll be going into town later on this morning to have lunch with my mother-in-law in Paris.  Good thing we are going somewhere because today our house is the equivalent of a very bad neighborhood.  There is a mountain of clean laundry for the Frenchlings to fold in the living room.  There are books, magazines, brochures, unopened mail (the snail variety) and homework to be found on every surface on the main floor.  The dining room sure could use to be vacuumed and mopped (hallway too) and one of our cats, Minouche, just threw up all over the kitchen floor.

Since there is nothing particularly inspiring inside the house and we won't be leaving for a couple of hours at least, best to put on the comfy shoes and take a tour outside.  Ah, much better.  I may be a lousy housekeeper but I'm a fairly respectable gardener.  All the May showers combined with compost have done their work.  Here's what's blooming:

Bon dimanche, everyone!


  1. These are beautiful, Victoria. Enjoy your spring, I am mine. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey i love the description of your house! Mine was about the same today! Thanks for your interesting and funny blog! you're such a journalist! I'm a big fan!
    ... And beautiful garden too!

  3. Hi Nathalie, Thanks so much for your comment and for reading the Flophouse. Yep, as they say, "il y a des jours sans et des jours avec!" Ah well there are many more important things than housework, right? :-)

    Good to see you here, bubblebustin! Glad you liked the photos.



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