Thursday, January 12, 2012

IKEA: The Paris Subway Station Apartment

This is brilliant.  Ikea has installed a 54 square meter apartment right smack in the middle of a Paris RER station (A line).  I live on the C line but I may have to head into that part of town just to have a look.  5 people are living in it for 6 days much to the amusement of Parisian commuters.  This idea is to show people all that can be done with a small place and a little creativity.


  1. 54 sq. metres? In Paris, that's not small, that's a HUGE flat - arguably, not for 5 people to live together, though :-)

    I'm afraid that with that kind of stunt, however interesting it is of course, the notion will sink in yet deeper that people are OK living in tiny, horribly overpriced places as they do, and nothing will be done to change this trend. In Paris I spent 3 years living in 30 sq metres for a 750€ rent. In Berlin, people laugh at such prices...

  2. You got a good point there. In our case ( a family of four) we only lived in Paris once for 2 years in the entire time we've lived in France. Too costly. We headed for the suburbs and close towns instead where the rents are reasonable. Even now for the price I pay in rent I could have a huge house in Seattle with many bathrooms. If course I'd have to clean them so maybe I'm in better shape here in my one bathroom apartment in Versailles. :-)

  3. Haha, it's true that you can't have your gâteau and eat it. Sometimes I also wish my Berlin flat was less roomy so that there would be less to clean :-)

  4. Thanks, I have been searching for details about this topic for ages and yours is the best I’ve discovered so far.
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