Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Paris When It Drizzles

"Every time I look down on this timeless town,
Whether blue or grey be her skies,
Whether loud be her cheers,
Or whether soft be her tears,
More and more do I realize that...

I love Paris in the springtime,
I love Paris in the fall,
I love Paris in the winter when it drizzles,
I love Paris in the summer when it sizzles...."

I was skipping along the Pont de l'Alma bridge this morning.  It was cold and rainy and I was going to be late when I slowed down, started channeling Cole Porter and let time stop.  Even on a bad day (weather and mental health-wise), Paris is such a great place to just be.  Here are a few more pictures:

The Seine was high and muddy.

An advertisement for the Ipad 2 was flashing above one of the entrances to the Alma-Marceau metro station.

And the Liberty Flame (gift from the Americans to the French) is still there and it still says:
The Flame of Liberty. An exact replica of the Statue of Liberty's flame offered to the people of France by donors throughout the world as a symbol of the Franco-American friendship. On the occasion of the centennial of the International Herald Tribune. Paris 1887-1987.
Back home now in front of a roaring fire drinking a nice hot cup of coffee....

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos ! As with many other European destinations, I would love to put this on my bucket list.


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