Sunday, December 25, 2011

Joyeux Noël

The holidays really only began yesterday when we drove to Roissy to pick up the Canadian contingent of the Flophouse who came in on an early flight.

The airport was quite festive since the security people were on strike and having a grand time.  While we were waiting downstairs we listened to the very eloquent words of the speakers and the rousing responses of the strikers.  "Down with the government and management!" followed by much cheering and blowing of whistles.

Much has been said about Roissy being the "worst airport in the world."  I prefer to think of it as a place to build character.  If you can survive the frustrations, forgive the many indignities, ignore the hideous architecture, and still walk out of there with a song in your heart and a smile on your face, then you know that you have progressed as a human being.

The elder Frenchling brought many gifts from the frozen north.  Maple syrup, of course, but also her father's favorite cereal, Quaker Oatmeal Squares (squares à l’avoine) and my favorite candy, jelly beans (fèves à la gelée).

It is now Christmas morning.  The tree is up, the creche too and my grandmother's angel chimes are sitting on the mantelpiece.  I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee in the calm before everyone gets up.

The Flophouse will be having Christmas dinner later in the day:  chapon (capon), foie gras (take that California), chestnut stuffing, and garlic mashed potatoes.

To the Flophouse friends and family scattered all over this planet  and to all the people of the world whom it has not yet been our pleasure to know,  we wish you all peace and joy on this Christmas day.

Merry Christmas!  Joyeux Noël!


  1. Joyeux Noël et meilleurs voeux pour 2012.

  2. Joyeux Noël Victoria, à toi et à toute ta tribu!


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