Monday, November 21, 2011

European Blue Card - Update November 2011

Time for another update on Blue Card implementation in the EU.  I strongly advise everyone to double-check all the information here and on other sites.  Your best bet is always to check official government sites and/or the local consulates for these countries to be sure that you have the most up-to-date and correct information.

A reminder - three countries are not participating:  UK, Denmark and Ireland.

Also there are six countries that ostensibly are participating in the Blue Card program (they did sign up for it) but are now trouble with the EU for not complying.  These countries are:  Germany, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal and Sweden

That said, here is what I was able to find out about implementation in the rest of Europe.

The Netherlands:  This site has some great information about the procedure.  You can also find contact information for the relevant government agency,  the Office for Labour and Highly Skilled Migrants, here. They list an address, phone numbers, e-mail and even a hot-line number if you have questions.  It also appears that you can download the forms on-line.

Austria:  Here is the procedure for applying in Austria.  Looks pretty straightforward.

Hungary:  Some information here and here about the Hungarian implementation.

Slovakia:  This site is reporting that the law has been on the books since the end of July but implementation is delayed because they are updating the list of positions for which non-EU foreigners can apply.  If anyone has better information, please leave a link in the comments section.

Belgium:  This site has the procedure for applying in Belgium.  This Belgian government site has more information (papers required and so on).

Spain:  Here is the official government site for the Ministry of Labour and Immigration and here is a link to their fact sheets on procedures and requirements for entry.

Hope this helps.  Good luck, everyone, and I'll post a separate update on France as soon as I have more news.


  1. Thanks for all the hard work producing this update and prior updates. After reading the links you have provided, it appears to me someone could make good money by creating detailed flowcharts for each country. And when I saw the words "national sovereignty" all the air in the room vanished. Poof! No oxygen left. Translated that means each country will implement their interpretations, financial roadblocks, and cultural differences and I felt no excitement about working in this kind of environment. Skilled workers will be used and discarded like Turks in Germany. If the mindset was to work cooperatively for the benefit of the country, which I did not feel was the overall process, then more people would apply. The mindset is not there and protectionism remains too high. Mike

  2. I'm glad you found the information useful, Mike. Yes, I think someone enterprising could make money providing clearer information and updates on this topic. I've seen a few sites that propose to help but I have no idea who is behind them and so I won't link to them.

    Yes, you have put your finger on the weaknesses of this initiative. Every country is responsible for implementing in their own way. Add to this the fact that many of these countries have competing highly-qualified migrant programs which really muddies the waters. I've decided to write a post about these alternatives because I think they might be a better deal for many.

    Still it is a good initiative, most are complying and if they can get this off the ground it could be the beginning of a real EU-wide approach to migration. Small steps. Slow but sure.

  3. Thanks for updating this issue! Very interesting&useful to follow :-)


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