Thursday, September 22, 2011

Expertise in Labour Mobility: Resources for the Global Mobile Worker

I'm a big fan of LinkedIn.  Not only is it easy to keep my professional profile up to date, I've noticed that a lot of jobs with international companies here in France appear only on LinkedIn but not anywhere else.  I also like the groups and I belong to one in particular called World Citizens at Work.

It was through World Citizens at Work that I first connected with a company called Expertise in Labour Mobility.  This is a private company founded and directed by Nannette Ripmeester that assists companies and expatriates in navigating all the issues associated with working across cultures and across borders.  Their motto is: "ELM strives to make mobility work."

I really like their approach:  simplify the process of international labor mobility and make people aware of the cultural diversity that exists in the world.  To that end they have services that they provide to companies (workshops and customized solutions) but they also have some free (or very reasonably priced) resources available on their website that you might find useful if you have expanded the geographical scope of your job search to the world outside your home country:

  • Culturally Tailored CV's:  This is a database of CV formats from around the world with tips about applying for jobs in different countries.  They have templates for Brazil, Canada, China, Singapore, U.S. and many others.  These are free and you can download them at your leisure.
  • Career Guides:  Looking for work in France, Finland, Greece, South Africa or any other exciting locale?  ELM's country career guides are available for download at a very reasonable price (about 20 Euros).  They cover how to look for a job in a particular country and how to write CV's and cover letters for that market.  There is  a guide for almost every country you can imagine and even one for finding work with international organizations.  The idea for this came out of a project ELM did for the EU.
  • Expertise in Labour Mobility Blog:  Good articles up on their blog.  Here are two that I found very useful:  Top 5 Countries with Best Employment Prospects for Q3 2011 and 2011 Top Cities to Live and Work Abroad in Europe.

Hope you find this useful.  Many thanks to Nannette Ripmeester for her kind permission to link to her site and for her great posts on the LinkedIn World Citizens at Work group.

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