Saturday, September 3, 2011

European Blue Card - Summary of Flophouse Posts and Links

Someone pointed out to me the other day that it's not obvious where find the links to all the updates about the EU Blue Card on this site.

A few months ago I put them all up on the right sidebar just under the "Flophouse Favorites".  Unfortunately I don't think that helped since information seekers still have to scroll down a bit in order to find them.  I will rearrange the sidebar tomorrow.  In the meantime, here is a summary of all the posts on the Blue Card going back to March 2011.  The posts with specific country information are in red:

European Blue Card (March 7, 2011) - Link to the European Commissions Citizen Summary explaining why the EU passed this Directive (law) and providing a link to the full text.

European Blue Card - Update June 2011 - Information about Blue Card Implementation in Bulgaria and France.  Lots of useful links can be found as well in the Comments section.

European Blue Card - Focus on France (June 16, 2011) - More information on France.  Link to Vie Publique and the text of the "Besson Law."

European Blue Card - Update July 3, 2011 - Information about Blue Card implementation in The Netherlands, Romania and France.

European Blue Card: Recognition of Academic Credentials (July 9, 2011) - Discussion and link to the ENIC-NARIC network.

European Blue Card - Update July 11, 2011 -  Information about Blue Card implementation in Sweden, Austria and France.

European Blue Card - the EU Job Market (July 17, 2011): Introduction to CEDEFOP: the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.  Good links to studies projecting what the EU job market will look like in the future.

EURES:  the European Job Mobility Portal (August 5, 2011) - Links to the EURES network:  EU job database, help with CV's and other useful information for people seeking jobs in Europe.

European Blue Card - Update on France (August 16, 2011) - Information about "metiers en tension" and links to the OFII site "Pour la promotion de l'immigration professionelle".

Policies toward Highly-skilled Immigrants: Comparing the US, EU and Canada (August 19, 2011) - Introduction and link to the work of an independent researcher, Hristina Petrova, who did an excellent study comparing highly-qualified immigration programs in the EU, US and Canada.

European Blue Card - Update September 1, 2011 - Latest information for Belgium, The Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia and Austria.

Since the Blue Card has theoretically been available in several countries for a few months now, I was wondering how many potential migrants are trying to apply and what their experience has been like so far.  If you are one of those people and you have some information to share about your experience (getting information, trying to apply, successfully applying), please feel free to leave a comment or email me.

Bon weekend!

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