Saturday, July 16, 2011

Playing for Change - Satchita

Another great video released by the people from Playing for Change.

I loved this one because this is music you can dance, dance, dance to... :-)


  1. this is a great song!I can't find the lyrics in English right now.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, I love all of the Playing for Change songs. What a gift for all of us. I'm really looking forward to the next one.

    If anyone has the lyrics in English, would you mind posting them or passing along a link?

  3. Also looking for full lyrics...

    Much googling got me the chorus....

    Believe it or not it is the "Moola Mantra".

    John Carter.

  4. Wow, thank you so much, Monsieur Carter, for the link. A lot of people have been looking for the lyrics (understandable because it's a great song).

  5. Peço a Deus
    Que os homens encontrem os teus passos perdidos
    E os sonhos despertem estes olhos dormidos
    Que o amor transborde e vivamos em paz
    Que os dias terminem com os braços cansados
    E que a sorte só queira estar ao teu lado.
    E a dor não lhe assombre nem lhe cause desespero, peço a Deus

    Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma
    Purushothama Paramatma
    Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
    Sri Bhagavathe Namaha

    Peço a Deus.
    Que nos mande do céu. Muita sabedoria e um amor verdadeiro.
    Que ninguém passé fome. Um abraço de mão. E vivamos em Paz.
    Que terminem as guerras. E também a pobreza.
    Encontrar alegrias entre tanta tristeza. E a luz illumine as almas perdidas e um futuro melhor.
    Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma
    Purushothama Paramatma
    Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
    Sri Bhagavathe Namaha


  6. Ask to God
    That man find its lost steps
    And dreams awake their sleeping eyes.
    That love overflows and we live in peace.
    That each day finishes with our arms tired.
    And luck only wishes to stay by your side.
    And that pain does not haunt neither cause you despair.
    Ask to God

    The formless Consciousness of the universe Pure love, bliss and joy The supreme creator
    Who has incarnated in human form to help guide mankind Who comes to me in my heart, and becomes my inner voice whenever I ask
    The divine mother, the power aspect of creation Together within
    The Father of creation which is unchangeable and permanent I thank you and acknowledge this presence in my life. I ask for your guidance at all times

    Ask to God
    To send us from heaven wisdom and true love.
    That nobody feels hungry.
    A shake of hands and we live in peace.
    That end of wars end also poverty.
    That we find happiness among sadness. And the light lit the lost souls. And a better future.

    The formless Consciousness of the universe Pure love, bliss and joy The supreme creator
    Who has incarnated in human form to help guide mankind Who comes to me in my heart, and becomes my inner voice whenever I ask
    The divine mother, the power aspect of creation Together within
    The Father of creation which is unchangeable and permanent I thank you and acknowledge this presence in my life. I ask for your guidance at all times

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you so much, Saulo, for posting the lyrics. It was very very kind of you - I know many people have been looking and I know they will really appreciate your help. The Google translator/traitor on-line gave me a very poor English translation of the Portuguese that I just deleted after posting it a few moments ago because yours is so much better.

    Thank you again and I wish you all good things for the year to come...


  9. I pray to God that men are lost in your footsteps
    And that dreams awaken these dormant eyes
    That love overflows and we live in peace
    The days end with tired arms and that luck just wants to be by your side.
    And that pain will not haunt you or cause you despair, I pray to God

    Primordial sound that which is formless, ominpresent, Pure Consciousness manifesting in love and divine bliss,
    supreme creator beyond space and time, Supreme soul guiding mankind,
    supreme inner energy that manifests as all powerful mother nature along with the unchanging and constant father
    I submit and submerge myself, I become one with.

    I pray to God.
    Send us from heaven much wisdom and true love.
    That no one goes hungry. A hug from his arms to live in Peace ending wars And poverty.
    Find joy from sadness and that light illuminates the lost souls towards a better future.

  10. Ah, a translation - and a very good one too. Thanks, Ashwin, for posting it.



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