Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SIJI - Yearning for Home

This music video was released two years ago by the artist, Siji.  He says:
The concept of the video was to shed light on my constant longing for my ancestral homeland Nigeria where I grew up. It was crucial for me to convey the sense of nostalgia we immigrants come to feel when far away from that which we affectionately call “Home”. For even though we have come to make our new homes away from home, there forever remains a deep sense of longing for that which we left behind.
I think he does a wonderful job of conveying that complex cocktail of emotions that migrants feel about Home. I loved the music - the lyrics, the images and his voice - and I hope you will too.

SIJI - "Yearning For Home" Music Video from SIJI on Vimeo.

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