Monday, January 10, 2011

Flophouse Favorite #3 - Good Day Books

Mentally stretch and imagine for a moment Tokyo as a suburb of Paris (a little like Belgium or Luxembourg). 

Then take any Parisian metro line and extend it across the Eurasian continent, under the Sea of Japan, to the Ebisu Station on the JR Yamanote line.

Exit the station, stroll a bit and you will find Good Day Books.

This little gem of a bookstore in Tokyo was a frequent hangout of mine when I lived in Japan. I was a proud member of the Bookclub, a discussion group for political junkies animated by the owner, Steve.

Good Day Books is the “largest English bookshop in Tokyo” and it is a marvel. Only bookstore I’ve ever been in that made me feel really REALLY guilty for ordering books through

Even if you are only in Tokyo for a few days, stop by and chat up Steve.  Remarkable guy, amazing selection of new and used books, a “home” for those of us who like to spend our Sunday afternoons debating the fate of the world.

Good Day Books

3F Asahi Building
1-11-2 Ebisu
Tokyo 150-0013
Tel: 03-5421-0957


  1. Books...

    They are the biggest consumers of time but they fold universes.


    They are the biggest consumers of space but they show you unknown eras.

  2. Absolutely!

    My Ipad with Kindle resolves some of the space issues but nothing will ever replace the smell and feel of a book or a bookstore.


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