Thursday, January 6, 2011

Flophouse Favorite #2 - Les Diablotins (formerly Les Galopins)

Restaurant Les Diablotins, 27 rue des Meuniers, Suresnes

When I was working in Suresnes this place was very popular. For those of us who ate there often, it was practically the company cafeteria. There was even a story (probably apocryphal) about one executive who knew the wine list so well that he would bypass the waiter, go straight to the cellar and select his very own bottle of wine from their fine selection.

Really, really good food. The menu is here.

Get a reservation and go for lunch. There is a very nice park across the street so you can walk off your crème brulée. They are closed in August (yes, the entire month) so plan accordingly.

The most memorable meal I had here was right after my boss (two companies ago), the much-loved and greatly respected CIO, announced that she was leaving the company.

My Operations Director and I left the meeting room, walked out onto the streets of Suresnes and headed straight for the restaurant where we ordered:

An aperitif (kir)
The Côte de boeuf for two (a huge slab of perfectly cooked, melt in your mouth, bloody rare, beef )
A nice bottle of Bordeaux (also for two)
Dessert (it was either the Fondant au chocolat or the Crumble)

The meal was superb and, after the third glass of wine or so, we cheered up and started plotting our next career move.

Restaurant Les Diablotins
Tel : 01 45 06 54 54
They also take email reservations

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